B League
The purpose of the B League is to bring younger players, 7th and 8th graders, into the program while allowing 9th and 10th grade the opportunity to refine their skills. B League was designed to promote hockey and to introduce younger players to the high school hockey environment.
Birth years 2009, 2010, & 2011. No 6th or 11th graders can be rostered regardless of their birth year.
No Junior Elite, Tier 1, AAA, AAA Lady Blues, Central States Bantam Major or Midget Minor and Major, Central States Prospects Bantam Major or Midget Minor and Major, Twin Bridges Elite, Carshield players. This includes players who have been rostered on the excluded teams at any point during the season.
The B League season will start after spring break 2025. Practices will be on Monday evenings starting March 24, 2025 at the St. Peters Rec-Plex and run through mid-June.
League is advising games will start final weekend of March with 1 game per week for each of the following (10) weeks.
All players are required to wear the appropriate PCIH uniform. The price of the uniform is not included in team fees.
Please contact:
Fischer's Pro Line Sports(Chesterfield) 17708 Edison Ave Chesterfield, MO 63005
(636) 449-1052
Extra Costs
Registration Fees cover the cost of ice for practice, games, referee fees, and coach stipend.
Extra fees may be expected for team outings and dinners.
We have expanded the registration this year to reduce the number of times you have to register for different Parkway Central Ice Hockey programs. We hope this helps.
2024-2025 B League
B League
RegisterWelcome to PCIH Hockey Club! As of the 2024-2025 season, the following is a list of costs associated with playing hockey.
USA Hockey Registration Fee – All players must be registered with USA Hockey.
Middle School: 7th and 8th graders born in at lease 2011 are eligible to play B-Team. B-Team players will have a birth year of 2009, 2010, and 2011. 6th or 11th graders cannot be rostered regardless of their birth year. No Junior Elite, Tier 1, AAA Blues or Carshield, AAA Lady Blues, Central States Bantam Major, Central States Midget Minor and Major players. This includes players who have been rostered on the excluded teams at any point during the season. (Note: Central States Bantam Minor year players are eligible)
*Payment plans are available with monthly payments starting in September.
Team Specific Fees: Teams may have extra activities (such as team outings and dinners) and there are additional costs associated with these activities. Cost TBD by each team activity or event.
Middle/High School: You must be enrolled in Parkway Central attendance area in the Parkway School District or have special permission.Suspension: Any player serving any type of school suspension will not be eligible to participate in any team activities, on or off the ice during the time of suspension. This does include practices.